Cover of CPTED for Planners, Architects course


This Certified Online CPTED for Planners, ­Architects and Associated Professionals course enables Planners, Architects and Associated Professionals to include  Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) in their professional outcomes.

A CPTED certificate is awarded to participants on completion of the course.


Topics include:

  • 14 CPTED design tools
  • CPTED in: new build/refurbishment/redesign to address crime/building  maintenance/building life-cycle ‘cradle-to-cradle’
  • CPTED and massing design
  • Using CPTED site and building audits
  • CPTED for developers
  • Benefits of targeted CPTED
  • New Evidence from CPTED
  • CPTED to design industrial and commercial buildings to minimise theft and vandalism
  • Effective use of CCTV in CPTED
  • Community and CPTED
  • Lighting and CPTED
  • Designing the built environment to reduce anti-social behaviour
  • CPTED in designing the built environment for COVID-19 and similar pandemics
  • Hostile Vehicle Management/C-T via street furniture, road detailing & access control
  • Designing built environments to reduce fear of crime
  • Practical real world CPTED individual exercise (desktop and/or site)

The course comprises six 2-hour online sessions plus practical exercises and includes access to the course guidebook and presentation videos. The course starts 2 July 2020 at 10am Western Australia time.

Following each  session, the course Guidebook will be updated with that week's course material and the updated guidebook and a video of that week's presentation will be accessible from


On completion of the course, participants will receive a CPTED Certificate certifying their undertaking and completing the course.  This can be downloaded with the course videos.


$495 inc. GST (credit card or PayPal).